The Crested Kingfisher is resident of the Himalayas and foothills of North East India, Bangladesh, northern Indochina, and south and east China.
For a Kingfisher it is very large - 41cm in length. It is black and white with evenly barred wings and tail. The Crested Kingfisher lacks a a supercilium* and has a spotted breast, which is sometimes mixed with rufous**.
Megaceryle lugubris is mainly found in mountain rivers and larger rivers in foothills.
[All text: Ref (98)]
* a plumage feature present on the heads of many bird species. It is a stripe which starts above the bird's loral area***, continuing above the eye, and finishing somewhere towards the rear of the bird's head. It is distinct from the eyestripe which is a line which runs across the lores, and continues behind the eye. (99)
** a colour that may be described as reddish-brown or brownish-red, as of rust or oxidised iron (100).
*** the space between the eye and bill (101)
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