One of the largest of all raptors, Steller's Sea Eagle lives in coastal northeastern Asia and feeds mainly on fish. The typical size range is 85-105cm long with a wingspan of 195-230cm. It is the heaviest eagle in the world: females at 6.8-9kg, while males are considerably lighter with a weight range of 4.9-6kg.
Steller's Sea Eagle builds several large platform nests (aeries) high up on trees and rock. Usually only one chicks survives and at the age of ten weeks, the young bird learns to fly. They reach sexual maturity at around four to five years. Full adult plumage in the Steller's Sea Eagle only appears at age eight to ten years.
[All text above: Ref (94)]
This bird is named after the German botanist, zoologist, physician and explorer Georg Wilhelm Steller. Steller has several animals and plants name after him, including Steller's Jay, Steller's sea cow and Cryptochiton stelleri
(Gumboot chiton). [This text: Ref (95)]
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