The male Peafowl is the Peacock (featured left in this stamp); female is Peahen. The male has the distinct feathered train, which moults after breeding. The sexes are otherwise quite similar in appearance.
Green Peafowl are large birds, the male growing up to 3m long (including train) and weighing up to 5kg. It has a large wingspan of approximately 1.2m. The Green Peafowl is capable of sustained flight and is often observed on wing.
Green Peafowls are found in a wide range of Southeast Asian habitats including primary and secondary forest, both tropical and subtropical, as well as evergreen and deciduous. They may also be found amongst bamboo, on grasslands, savannas, scrub and farmland edge.
The Green Peafowl is widely believed to be polygynous, however in captivity, when pairs are left alone without human interaction, they have been observed to be strongly monogamous.
The conservation status of Pavo muticus is Threatened.
[All text: Ref (47)
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