Bird of Day 100:

Bird of Day 100:
Homing pigeon

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Bird of Day 2: Herring Gull

Larus argentatus

This highly adaptable bird, commonly called the seagull, is the most abundant species of all gulls, worldwide (3). Larus argentatus can live to up to 49 years of age (4).

Coastal-living Herring Gulls help to keep beaches clear of litter, debris and dead fish (5).

Herring Gulls are protective of their personal space, and maintain a respectful distance from each other (6). Noisy and raucous, Herring Gulls are also intelligent (6). They are also known to be capable of seeing ultraviolet light (7).

Herring Gulls sometimes kidnap live young then feed and raise the strangers as if they were their own (8).

Despite their name, these birds have no special preference for eating herrings (9).

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