The Common Pheasant is native to Russia and has been widely introduced elsewhere as a game bird. It is one of the world's most hunted birds. The bird featured here is male.
Body weight of the male averages 1.2kg and the female 0.8kg.
Due to captive breeding, hybridisation between subspecies (about 30) and with the Green Pheasant as well as releasing stock to the wild, there are many colour forms of the male Common Pheasant. In contrast to the male, the hen has a dull mottled brown plumage.
The males are polygynous as is typical for many Phasianidae, and are often accompanied by a harem of several females. Phasianus colchicus eat a wide variety of animal and vegetable type-food, like fruit, seeds and leaves as well as a wide range of invertebrates, with small vertebrates like snakes, lizards, small mammals and birds occasionally taken.
While Common Pheasants are able short-distance fliers, they prefer to run. If startled however, they can suddenly burst upwards at great speed, with a distinctive "whirring" wing sound and often giving kok kok kok alert calls.
[All text: Ref (68)]
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